Monthly Archives: September 2022
  1. Help Sustain Your Community and the Environment by Buying Local


    These days, consumers are jumping on the “buy local” bandwagon, searching for ways they can support their local communities, reduce their carbon footprint, and have greater control over the quality and origins of their purchases. This rings true not only for purchases of food and sundries but also for larger items like home furnishings.

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  2. Decorating Tip: Give Your Room Space for Traffic Flow

    Room Space

    It's tempting to fit as many items into your room as possible. However, your room will feel bigger and you will be able to more comfortably move around your house if you factor in the traffic flow through your room. Take this into consideration when arranging your furniture.

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  3. Timeless Home Furnishings: How to update a room without being too “trendy”

    Design Palette

    They may not be as fast or as fleeting as clothing styles, but home décor trends come and go too. Everyone wants a home update once in a while. So how do you make your surroundings comfortable, modern, and stylish without constantly buying into the latest fad?

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