Apple Spice 26 Ounce Jar Candle


Apple Spice 26 Ounce Jar Candle

Availability:In stock
  • This warm red apple fragrance emits a hint of cinnamon and spice. A rusty-red delight which is a year-round favorite.
  • Premium wax blend provides a 120-160 hour burn time.
  • Unique hand-painted label design.
  • Includs trademarked strap and handle and an embossed metal lid.
  • A clean and empty McCall's jar can be used to hold just about anything.
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McCall's Candles was built on the American Dream in the 1990s by Dee McCall and her family. What started with a unique idea mixed with hard work, perserverence, and a dedication to quality grew into the global brand McCall's is today. McCall's remains a Made in America company, producing beautifully distinct, high-quality candle products.

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You're reviewing: Apple Spice 26 Ounce Jar Candle

Brand : McCall's Candles
Burn Time : 120-160 hours
Volume of Wax : 26 Ounce
Number of Wicks : One
UPC : 758466100047

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Apple Spice 26 Ounce Jar Candle

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